8yr old Patrick Raises £345 for Blandford Primary School Field


8yr old Patrick Doyle, a pupil at Archbishop Wake Primary School in Blandford

When 8yr old Patrick Doyle, a pupil at Archbishop Wake Primary School in Blandford
heard the school were trying to raise money for an all-winter playing field, he immediately told his grandmother he wanted to help.Archbishop Wake Primary School in Blandford are very lucky to have a huge playing field. However it is mostly unusable during the Autumn and Winter months as the ground is too wet. The school are trying to raise money for a ‘Multi Use Games Area’ (MUGA) – an all-weather sports surface which is suitable for multiple different activities. so that they can use their outdoor space all year round. However, a MUGA is not cheap – and the school naturally has a limited budget, and many demands upon it.Patrick’s grandparents are his main carers. Carol Doyle, Patrick’s grandmother, said“when Patrick heard what the school wanted to do, he asked if perhaps he could do asponsored walk for them.He’s not a huge sports fan, though he does enjoy kicking a ball around the garden. We think it’s just that he wanted to help the school. “Naturally we encouraged him, telling him that it was a great idea. We suggested walking around the Milldown, and Patrick decided that he would walk one lap of the Milldown once a day for five days.Patrick achieved his target – he walked a mile around the Milldown every day for 5 daysand he has raised £345 for the school! A spokesperson from Archbishop Wake said “We are all so proud of him. Such kindness touches us all!”Carol said “myself and his grandad are very proud of his achievement, as is his mum and the rest of our family and friends.”


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