Category: school news

Building on a creative legacy

A forgotten Hepworth and an important musical partnership – Bryanston approaches its centenary with an artistic flourishA list of old Bryanstonians has many famous...

Milton Abbey School offers an education with a difference.

Choose a school for your child where they are known and can flourish. Every child benefits from a personalised education, with a curriculum built...

Yarrells School celebrates Mrs Covell’s 80th Birthday

The school community of Yarrells, near Poole, came together to celebrate the 80th birthday of its proprietor, Mrs Natalie Covell. Known for her unwavering...

Gillingham School Sixth Form surf trip

During October half term 72 Gilingham sixth form students travelled to the Spanish coast for the school’s biennial surf trip. This ever-popular trip was...

Gillingham Sixth Form: ready for anything

Gillingham Sixth Form is an inclusive learning environment which promotes academic resilience and personal development. Our students are ambitious and socially responsible, and they...

Bonjour Thornford Primary!

Thornford Primary School played host to 59 French children in June as part of an exchange trip. Thornford Primary is twinned with a school...


Building on a creative legacy

A forgotten Hepworth and an important musical partnership – Bryanston approaches its centenary with an artistic flourishA list of old Bryanstonians has many famous...

Building on a creative legacy

A forgotten Hepworth and an important musical partnership – Bryanston approaches its centenary with an artistic flourishA list of old Bryanstonians has many famous...

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