Purbeck Youth & Community Foundation


Purbeck Youth & Community Foundation took over running the Wareham Youth & Community Centre in 2016 setting up the Charity to run Wareham Youth Club, provide services for Young People and to see the Centre was used for community benefit.

The Charity now runs clubs in Wareham, Wool and Corfe and has Outreach in Swanage using our newly acquired Outreach vehicle. Covid has challenged us all and we have used Zoom, our allotment, worked in schools, held outdoor meetings, provided outdoor challenges and undertaken Outreach. We have provided holiday activities including hot meals for young people who are eligible for free school meals. We are gradually starting back towards our usual services.

The centre is a hub with clubs, a weekly counsellor, a D of E group, Over 50s Not so Youth club, some under 10s sessions, and a club for adults with a learning disability. We link with various partners including Planet Purbeck and the picture above shows our painted cow at Studland in the Dunes project.
Young people benefit from feeling safe, with access to qualified Youth workers/ trusted adults and opportunity to work out problems, socialise and enjoy activities.

We provide training for volunteers of all ages and we are grateful for local support from Councils, business and the local community. We write numerous bids and undertake one to one work with the income going into running services.

We are always looking for various volunteers, part time youth workers and fundraisers. To find out more about us we have a face book page, Instagram account pycfwareham, and our website www.pycf.org.uk e mail office@pycf.org.uk tel 01929552934.

Donations are always put to good use!

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