Why you should take Pony Club Efficiency Tests


The end of the summer holidays brings the Pony Club Efficiency Tests. Members will have been prepared while having fun at camps and endless rallies, and the nationally-recognised upper tests are excellent additions for CVs and Personal Statements.

The Pony Club (PC) Efficiency Tests provide a staircase of knowledge and progression when taken in sequence, starting from ‘E’ and going all the way up to the prestigious ‘A’ Test.

The PC training structure encourages members to take the tests, which enable them to learn progressively about horse and pony care and riding. The PC Efficiency Test levels are acknowledged as a high level of achievement worldwide and definitely worth attaining – if nothing else but as an additional valued qualification on your CV.

What is covered?

The level of knowledge required obviously increases as you work through the levels. For example, the ‘C+’ Test’s objectives are:

  • to become an educated and practical horseman
  • To ride over fences at all paces
  • To gain practical experience and knowledge of the care of a stabled pony and of a pony at grass
  • To be capable of riding a well-mannered pony in all Pony Club activities

• To ride intelligently and with due regard for others on the roads and in the country, and with a knowledge of pace, distance and discipline when riding alone and in groups.

The recommended minimum age is 14 years, and once you reach C+ level the exam is split into two sections: C+ Horse Care and C+ Riding. You need to pass both before progressing to either B test Riding or B test Horse Care. Once you have passed your C+ you can also do your UKCC level 1 coaching certificate and start assisting in instructing.

How do I book a test?

That depends on the level: • E, D, D+, Road Rider, C and C+ Tests.
These are organised by Branches and Centres – contact your DC, Chief Coach or Centre proprietor if you’d like to book on to one of these. • B, B+, Lungeing and AH Tests. These are organised by your club’s Area Representative
– get in touch with them if you’d like a book a test. • A Test These are booked centrally via the national Pony Club Office. Visit the A Test Training and Test Days page for more details on this much sought after (and recognised worldwide) award.

By: Sara Greenwood


  1. […] on numerous subjects. These are aimed at all levels, and work in conjunction with the test system (see the BV article on the Pony Club Efficiency Tests from the Oct 21 issue), gradually educating members in care and riding skills. The top tests are the AH Care and the A […]


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