The August Bank Holiday weekend saw the 15th anniversary of the Oak Fair at Stock Gaylard. From the small acorn event of 15 years ago, the two day country event now hosts over 200 exhibitors.

It’s not all about wood (though there is a lot of that), but it IS all about skilled craftspeople and country living. You won’t find the array of non-eco friendly retail stalls typical at big shows at the Oak Fair. The emphasis is on renewable, skilled, independent eco-conscious businesses. And yes, there is admittedly a lot of wood.

Arranged over the beautiful Stock Gaylard parkland, the resident ancient giant oaks become part of the annual event.

The Oak Fair, laid out in Avenue, Lane and Row, has a unique atmosphere – here is not the bustle of typical county shows. Our unhurried pace was matched by the crowd at large, the stall holders and visitors seemed to chat more and the gentle atmosphere made for an enjoyable and peaceful day.

For many the fair has become a family tradition; kids disappear to throw axes, light fires and enjoy tractor rides, whilst adults watch the craftspeople work, or sit ringside to enjoy the displays in the Arena. Even our teen was happy to join the fun in the ring and be flown over by a Hawk!