The final part of November’s podcast is the entire wildlife and farming sections:
- Rewilding Wild Woodbury – Dorset Wildlife Trust’s project records more than 1,100 species in its first year
- Wildlife writer Jane Adams goes in search of mysterious hares in Dorset churches which may have originated in Buddhist China
- Hedgerows have inexplicably been left out of the climate change action plan, says Rupert Hardy, chairman of North Dorset CPRE
- A recent case of animal neglect on a Dorset farm has highlighted red flags with the Red Tractor accreditation systems, says Andrew Livingston
- Alarmingly, bird flu is on the rise – new laws apply to backyard poultry keepers too, says NFU county advisor Gemma Harvey
- Farmer George Hosford discusses the latest news on ELMS, crosses his fingers on the new oilseed rape, and says goodbye to two old friends