Category: Out Of Doors

The Voice of The Allotment | July 2021

It’s been a busy month - here’s how June worked out for us on the allotment (all our vegetables are grown from seed in...

Garden Jobs for July

Well... It is finally summer, and we should all find time to relax and enjoy the garden! Having said that, in between your tea-breaks,...

Summertime But the Living’s Not Always Easy

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!...yes, people usually say that at Christmas, but for us at Thorngrove, it really does ring true...

Know Your Rights of Way?

After what felt like a long winter, spring has finally sprung.As the ground dries out, walkers, cyclists and horse riders are enjoying the various...

The Voice of The Allotment

Frosts, cold winds from the North and East and no rain made April a rather trying month.Blackthorn put on a spectacular show in the...

ThorngroveExpands With Opening Of New Shop

It’s humbling to think how far Thorngrove has come in just a few short years.With the pandemic effectively halting business for many people around...


Building on a creative legacy

A forgotten Hepworth and an important musical partnership – Bryanston approaches its centenary with an artistic flourishA list of old Bryanstonians has many famous...

Frustrations grow with flawed flood plans

George Hosford on beavers, bureaucracy … and Ronnie, the short sheep who’s now a ram with a reputationThe Stour valley has been busy accommodating...

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