Category: A Country Living

Full bloom in the flower business

Charlotte Tombs’ successful flower farming business grew out of one packet of sweet pea seeds and some Instagram inspiration. Tracie Beardsley reportsucked away near...

Sophie’s sausages are the sizzle

‘Don’t sell the sausage. Sell the sizzle.’ Sophie Baker is managing to do both brilliantly with her award-winning sausage business, reports Tracie BeardsleySophie Baker...

Early rise in the bread shed

It’s a baker’s dozen of working hours for David Mirus, perfecting his sourdough before Wimborne awakes. Tracie Beardsley reports in A Country LivingAs a...

A greener goodbye

In a remote barn in Dorset, with pigeons and podcasts for company, Sophia Campbell is quietly revolutionising funerals with her reusable coffins and environmentally-friendly...

The Iron Man of Sturminster!

‘Forging ahead to restore the past’ seems a good motto for Ian Ring, who owns Newton Forge, the Sturminster-based World Heritage business, whose work...

Meet Bo Peep – 2022 edition

With hundreds of sheep about to lamb and a major new countryside show to organise, Dorset shepherdess Bonnie Cradock is in for a busy...


February’s BV is here!

February’s issue of The BV brings the global headlines close to home, as Dorset reels from the news that local humanitarian volunteer Edward Scott...

February’s BV is here!

February’s issue of The BV brings the global headlines close to home, as Dorset reels from the news that local humanitarian volunteer Edward Scott...

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