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Choral Eucharist

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our monthly, cathedral-style service of Choral Eucharist on Sunday 10th September at 10.30am in St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. The music includes: Stopford’s ‘God be in my head as well as Grayston Ives’s ‘Missa brevis’ and ‘Listen sweet dove’. All are very welcome to the service and for refreshments afterwards.


Choral Evensong

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our monthly, cathedral-style service of Choral Evensong on Saturday 22nd July at 4.30pm in St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. The music for includes: Duruflé ‘Ubi caritas’, […]


Choral Evensong

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our monthly cathedral-style service of Choral Evensong on Saturday 24th June at 4.30pm. The music includes: Gibbons ‘Almighty and everlasting God’, Reading ‘Preces & Responses’, Murrill ‘Evening Service in E’ and Wesley ‘Blessed be the God and Father’. Do join us for a glass of wine after the service.


Choral Evensong for Pentecost

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our monthly cathedral-style service of Choral Evensong for Pentecost on Saturday 27th May at 4.30pm. The music includes: Tallis ‘O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit’, Neary ‘Preces & Responses’, Joanna Forbes L’Estrange ‘Kings College Service’ and Elgar ‘The spirit of the Lord’. Do join us for a glass of wine […]


Choral Evensong for Easter

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our monthly, cathedral-style service of Choral Evensong on Saturday 22nd April at 4.30pm in St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. The music for Easter includes: Parry ‘My soul, there is a country’, Sumsion ‘Preces & Responses’, Howells ‘Gloucester Service’ and Stanford ‘Ye choirs of new Jerusalem’. Graham Scott is at the organ […]


Stainer’s Crucifixion

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

On Good Friday 7th April at 6pm, Music at St Peter's present a performance of Stainer’s ‘Crucifixion’. The choir will be accompanied by the organist Chris Dowie and we welcome Colin Howard and Stefan Oakes as tenor and bass soloists. The performance is offered as an act of worship, so admission is free and all […]


Choral Evensong for Passiontide

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our monthly, cathedral-style service of Choral Evensong on Saturday 25th March at 4.30pm in St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. The music for Passiontide includes: Stopford ‘God so loved the world’, Barnard ‘Preces & Responses’, Wood ‘Evening Service in Eb (No.1)’ and Brahms ‘Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnung’. David Beeby is at […]


Choral Evensong

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our monthly, cathedral-style service of Choral Evensong on Saturday 25th February at 4.30pm in St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. The music includes: Chilcott ‘Even such is time’, Weelkes ‘Third Evening Service’, Tomkins ‘Preces & Responses’ and Bairstow ‘Blessed city, heavenly Salem’. Peter Nardone is at the organ. Please join us for […]

Choral Eucharist

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

Introducing our new monthly service of Choral Eucharist. Please join us on Sunday 12 February, at 10.30am. The music incudes Haydn: Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo ('Little Organ' Mass), Stopford: God be in my head, Tallis: If ye love me and Mozart: Ave verum corpus. All welcome!

Choral Evensong for Epiphany

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our cathedral-style service of Choral Evensong for Epiphany on Saturday 28th January at 4.30pm in St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. The music includes: Poulenc ‘Videntes stellam’, Walsh ‘Preces & Responses’, Harwood ‘Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in A flat’ and Mendelssohn ‘There shall a star from Jacob come forth’. Chris Dowie is […]

Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our carol service on Saturday 17th December at 4.30pm in St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. This is a highly traditional carol service following the order of […]


Choral Evensong

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our Choral Evensong for Advent on Saturday 26th November at 4.30pm in St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. The music includes: Manz ‘E’en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come’, Dyson ‘Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in D’, Seal ‘Preces & Responses’ and Gibbons ‘This is the record of John’. Please join us for a […]
