For our March edition, we’re encouraging all our readers to shop local, as usual – not everyone can manage all their shopping locally, but if everyone shopped even a small amount locally just for special occasions it can make a huge difference.
So we’re aiming for an inspirational guide on all good things for a lockdown Mothering Sunday in style.
Our readers may not be able to take their Mum out for tea, or Furlough funds may not allow for a fancy new piece of jewellery.
Does that mean they won’t do anything? It does NOT!
It’s simply a really nice opportunity for our readers to not only support #shoplocal, but also to find something new, different and very personal for their Mums this year.
We’ve made it quick and easy: £25 for everyone for a ¼ page (yes really!). Because life’s too short for complicated ad set ups, and life’s too tricky for expensive marketing.
Just complete the form below – it’s super easy and as simple as we could possibly make it, but if you get stuck or aren’t sure on anything just call Courtenay on 01258 472572.