email courtenay@theblackmorevale.co.uk if you need an amendment to a listing you already placed.
We’re pulling together a Lockdown Supplement – entirely free to all local businesses, a directory of as many local businesses and community groups as we can who will still be operating throughout lockdown in whatever form they can manage. We’ll create a full colour digital magazine supplement, and deliver it directly into around 10,000 homes in the Blackmore Vale area.
If you’re part of a business or community group that intends to maintain some sort of operation after Thursday, complete the simple form below. It’s entirely free – this is not a money-making exercise (actually it’ll cost us, but that’s not the point), it’s just us doing our small part to help out where we can.
Whether you’re a pub switching to takeaways, a butcher offering local home deliveries, or a book shop organising click and collect – you need us now. We may not be leaving our homes, but we can still show you our support. We just need to know that you’re still there!
*form now closed – email Courtenay if you need something, but be quick; we’re pulling it together right NOW!*