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Milborne Port Opera presents “The Drowsy Chaperone”

3 April 2024 @ 7:30 pm - 6 April 2024 @ 7:30 pm

MPO leaps into another hit musical – The drowsy Chaperone, by Lisa Lambert and Greg Morrison, directed by Karen Pankhurst.
Last year MPO proved they could do big musical numbers extremely well. MPO’s next production, to be performed after Easter in 2024, is a hit Broadway musical THE DROWSY CHAPERONE, which carried off 5 Tonys in New York and was nominated for several awards in London and the USA
It’s a very funny send up of 1920s Hollywood musicals, with an implausible plot, even more implausible characters, and some great music and dancing from the Jazz age.
The entire show is set in the apartment of a slightly sad musical theatre fan who decides to play his favourite LP (the show!) and behold, it comes to life before his eyes in his own living room.
The story concerns a wedding. The Drowsy Chaperone of the title (“Drowsy” is an American euphemism for drunk) has the job of keeping the bride, a Broadway star who is giving up fame and the footlights to get married, away from her bridegroom, an oil heir, on their wedding day. Needless to say, she fails.
The star’s producer, one Mr Feldzieg (no relation to the famous Zeigfeld!) is hell bent on preventing the wedding, as he will be bankrupted following the loss of his biggest star. Several jovial gangsters, disguised as pastry chefs, are also trying to frustrate the match. They work for an anonymous third party who has invested a lot of money in the show. They intend to punish Feldzeig if he fails.
The plot is further enlivened by the antics of the groom’s Best man, George (played by a girl), a latin lothario, Adolpho and a wanabee Broadway star, Kitty.
Most of the MPO regulars are in the show, along with some talented newcomers. They are being worked hard by director Karen Pankhurst. This is her second show. She directed last years’ highly enjoyable “Everything Goes” and has featured in several successful MPO productions.


3 April 2024 @ 7:30 pm
6 April 2024 @ 7:30 pm
Event Category:


Milborne Port Opera
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Milborne Port Village Hall
Springfield Road
Milborne Port,DT95REUnited Kingdom
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