Have an event you’d like to share for FREE with our thousands of readers? SUBMIT YOUR EVENT HERE
£15 per tractor, includes hot food and a drink
Come along to our charity working day for ploughing, cultivating and rolling, all abilities welcome, bring your own implements (plough, cultivator etc) NO SUBSOILER’S, we may have some implements for you to borrow if you don’t have any yourself
This is not a ploughing match
Venue: Great Down Lane, Nr Marnhull, DT10 1JY
What Three Words: parts.crisis.interview
Please arrive from 9.30am, to start 10am and finish at 3pm
Food & Drinks available all day and Raffle
All proceeds in aid of Salisbury Hospice Charity
Ample space to off load trailers
For further details please contact
Tony: 0773 4465598
Andrew: 0782 4994308
**Find us on Facebook: North Dorset tractor road runs **
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