Hinton St Mary : Then and Now


Step back in time with our ‘Then and Now’ feature, where vintage postcards from the Barry Cuff Collection meet modern-day reality. Explore the past and present on the same page, and see the evolution of familiar local places. ‘Now’ images by Courtenay Hitchcock

The sign over the White Hart door, above, declares the landlord as Sidney Guy. A large family from Marnhull, Sidney Guy is listed as a carpenter and joiner, aged 44, in the 1901 census (he’s 15 in the 1871 census, the oldest of seven children all living at 11 Salisbury Street). He died in 1928, before this photograph was taken. Sidney named one of his sons William Sydney, born in 1881 – we don’t know the exact date of the postcard, but it’s probably early 20th century, making Sydney junior in his 50s or 60s: too old to be the man pictured. William Sydney doesn’t appear in the 1921 census.
Above, the B3092 dwellings are also remarkably recognisable, despite the loss of a chimney stack and the vanishing of the two gabled semi-detached cottages behind the first swoopingly-thatched cottage.

The White Horse Inn has barely changed , though the large barn between it and No.40 Stearts Lane, behind, has long since vanished
The biggest change here is not in the buildings but in the B3092 itself


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