This month Barry Cuff has chosen a pair of postcards sent from Milborne St Andrew – quite by chance he has two cards sent by the same person, to the same person – G Everett to his or her sister in Lyndhurst:

Mrs Macey’s address is at Cyclist’s Rest, High Street Lyndhurst – the 1890s are often referred to as the golden age of bicycles, and the first Tour de France was held in 1903, just a year before this postcard was sent. Perhaps cycling holidays in the New Forest were already a thing? It would appear that the sender, Mrs Macey’s sibling, is featured on the postcard – but we have no clues as to which figure it is, or even if they are man or woman …
‘Dear Sister. A line wishing you Many Happy Returns of the day. If you have a magnifying glass you will be able to find me. Will send J one next week.

A year later, and Mrs E Macey’s address is no longer Cyclist’s Rest, but she’s still on Lyndhurst High Street. Barry notes that Milborne Fair was held on the 30th November each year, but the card was not posted until 1st December. A quick search doesn’t show any Everetts in the 1901 or 1911 census records for Milborne St Andrew:
‘Dear Sister just a line to let you know that Milborne Fair is on. Jack arrived at 11.15pm Tuesday, all well. Hoping you are all well, write later on. Love to all G. Everett & Maria