Thanks to generous donations and support from many local groups and charities, Sherborne Primary School opened their new Community Hub building in June. The new building in the school grounds will be home to the pupil-run Sherbean Café – open to parents every Tuesday and Thursday morning – but will also be used for a range of community pursuits including parenting courses and social prescribers.
The Community Hub was officially opened by cllr Robin Legg, mayor of Sherborne, and joining him for the grand opening were the local people who helped bring the project from an idea to a reality. Pupils who run the school café were on hand to provide refreshments and talk to guests about the difference this new building will make.
Ian Bartle, executive headteacher of Sherborne Primary said ‘All of the Sherborne Primary School children, staff and community wish to thank the many organisations, businesses and individuals within the town who have raised so much funding to support this truly community led project.’
Sherborne Primary School would like to thank all the local businesses and groups who donated money and time, including Townsend Fencing, Bradford Builders, Friends of the Yeatman Hospital, Hunts Frozen Foods, Mogers Drewett Solicitors, Sherborne Churches Together, Sherborne Primary PTA, Sherborne Area Schools’ Trust (SAST), Bruce Duncan and Elizabeth McClen.
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