A whirlwind tour of all that’s coming up in Sturminster Newton this month


Pauline Batstone shares her monthly round up of what’s happening among the town’s collection of community enterprises and events


We’re just in time for the Sturminster Newton Literary Festival 2004 – see the poster opposite! There’s something for everyone … and the ever-popular Ghost Walk event looks like it will be repeated beyond next week, as we have a waiting list (or is it the local poltergeists booking the places?). In addition to the broad range of literary walks, talks and workshops, the UK commemorates 80 years since D Day on the 6th June. As part of this commemoration, Sturminster LitFest is devoting the 9th of June to military history, with a special day ticket covering all events on the day. This will include the Story of the Hampshires, Dorsets and Devons on 6th June 1944 by James Porter, the official opening of the special D-Day testimony exhibition and The Army that Never Was – D Day and the Great Deception by Taylor Downing.
Saturday 15th June is the LitFest’s first Crime Writer’s Day, with another day pass available for the three crime writing talks – come be on a jury and solve a real crime!
Dorset Arts Week is happening right now around the county, but Sturminster will be holding its own Arts Fortnight next month, the 13th to 28th July, with a pop up exhibition soread around the town’s shops. A big thank you goes to all who have offered window space – and there is still room for more artists, whatever your type of work.

Wolf wine stock the old bank vault in 1855

Elsewhere in Stur…
SturAction’s four shops continue to flourish and benefit the town by bringing shoppers in as well as putting money towards projects. Amazingly we now have almost 100 traders in 1855 – but we can always find space for more!
SturAction does not give grants to individuals, but does consider applications for funding from groups and organisations, as well as initiating projects itself. The key qualifier is that the money must go to support the economy of the town and to the benefit its residents. In addition, SturAction’s volunteers are a lively social group, and we are always pleased to welcome more people into our family! In particular we are currently looking for folk to help staff our Furniture Warehouse – do speak to our shop manager Cheryl Basten (usually found at either 1855 or The Emporium) email her on comcheststur1@gmail.com or phone 07733 430105. Cheryl will also point you in the right direction to apply for funding.


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