Christine’s Almond & Raspberry Sponge


(gluten and dairy free)

For the cake

  • 4 large eggs (room temperature)
  • 225g caster sugar
  • 225g Stork margarine
  • 225g Doves gluten free self raising flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder

For the filling

  • 50g Stork margarine
  • 175g icing sugar
  • A few drops of almond extract
  • 130g – 140g of raspberry jam

For the topping

  • 50g icing sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of boiled, warm water
  • A few drops of almond extract
  • 30g – 40g of flaked almonds
  • Plus a few fresh raspberries

Note: Eggs can be different sizes, so I weigh my eggs (out of their shells), then use the same measurements for all the other ingredients. So, if the eggs weigh 250g, all other ingredients will be the same – except the baking powder.


  • Pre-heat the oven to 180°C
  • Lightly grease and line (with parchment paper) two round 20cm (8”) cake tins.
  • Put all the measured cake ingredients in a food mixer and blend together until you have a smooth, soft batter.
  • Divide the mixture evenly between the two tins and bake for about 25 minutes until golden and the cake springs back when pressed. Leave to cool in the tins for a few minutes, then turn out on to a cooling wire rack, remove the parchment paper and leave to cool completely.
  • To make the filling, beat the margarine with the almond extract until smooth and creamy, then gradually beat in the sieved icing sugar – gradually, because it will get everywhere if you don’t!
  • Spread the dairy free buttercream over the bottom of one of your sponges, then top with raspberry jam and sandwich the other sponge on top.
  • To top and finish the cake, toast the flaked almonds in a dry frying pan for a few minutes – keep an eye on them as they don’t take long.
  • Make the almond water icing by combining the sieved icing sugar with the warm boiled water and the almond extract.
  • When the cake is cold, drizzle with the almond water icing and scatter the toasted almonds. Just before serving add a few fresh raspberries.
  • Now sit back and enjoy with a lovely cup of tea!

NB: You can substitute the dairy free margarine with softened butter if you don‘t need it to be dairy free.


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