I don’t love the solar farms either


The recent decision by Dorset Council to approve the development of a solar farm, close to where I live in the Blackmore Vale, prompted an exchange of views on social media after someone posted an article from the Daily Mail which was headlined ‘Fury as huge solar farm given the go-ahead in Hardy Country’.
Not so long ago all the comments would have been strongly against the development, but this time there were a number of comments in favour. A reflection perhaps of an increasing awareness of the urgency of the situation?
It’s certainly getting harder to deny that the climate is changing, as evidenced by extreme weather-related events this year, including here in the UK and in Europe. Weather has always fluctuated of course, but the increasing trend to severe events is obvious.
Some commentators were also clearly aware of the way the government has failed us so badly in the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels. The failure to develop the necessary infrastructure in renewable energy was also considered to be reflected in the ever-growing problems with health, education, sewerage and water etc.
To those who call for development to be placed anywhere but in our own back yard, I would point out that we are all in the same boat. We all have to play our part if we are to avoid sinking together.
I doubt anyone thinks solar farms are visually attractive – or wind turbines for that matter.
I certainly don’t.
I would much rather we didn’t have to have them.
But the fact of the matter is that humanity has boxed itself into a corner. Or rather, we’ve been boxed into a corner by corporations greedily pursuing profit before people and planet, and by governments failing to regulate those corporations to prevent the damage they cause. We now have to throw everything we can at the problem of global warming, in order to have any chance of stopping it getting out of hand. Co-operation needs to extend internationally of course; thankfully there are signs that’s happening as catastrophe knocks on everyone’s doors.
Ken Huggins
North Dorset Green Party


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