His own acting career may have peaked with Up Pompeii!, but as a theatrical agent Kerry Gardner went on to shape the careers of some of our best-loved British actors. Now living in Dorset, Kerry has written Not Another Waltz (I, Nausius) – a hilarious book about his life – and he will be doing a reading and Q&A at The Exchange on Sunday 9th July:

‘As an actor I worked and mingled with (and bumped up against) the likes of Alastair Sim, David Hockney, Judi Dench, Tom Hanks, Frankie Howerd, Rudolph Nureyev, the late Queen, her mother, Prince Philip (I took Prince Edward to lunch), Princess Di, Ian McKellen, Vanessa Redgrave, Morecambe and Wise, Harvey Weinstein, Jane Fonda … And as an actors’ agent I represented the likes of Imelda Staunton, Miranda Richardson, Pam Ferris, Bill Paterson et al.
‘I’m going to make the reading adult audience friendly, but I’ll not be reading the … franker … bits – you’ll just have to buy the book for the full unexpurgated tale ( https://amzn.to/44ayunY )!
‘If you’ve ever wanted to be an actor, then this book will be useful. If you are already a performer, it’ll be fun. If you’ve ever wanted to acquire wisdom, reading this might get you going. If you’re happy to be daft you’ll recognise yourself in here. All in all, you’re in for a good time.
‘But how best to snare your interest? I can’t really do better than quote Dame Eileen Atkins (‘I absolutely loved it…a terrific book’), and some of the other five star reviews on Amazon:
“fascinating, warm, funny, and sexy”
“an acute observer he shares many chokingly funny and naughty stories from his career as an actor, director, agent and impresario.”
“An astonishingly honest and frequently hilarious search for identity”
“to spend time in Kerry Gardner’s world is an absolute joy”.

If you’d like to know a little more about Kerry, he was The BV’s Random 19 guest last year.