This month’s news from the unofficial capital of the Blackmore Vale…

Sturminster Newton is always a great place to come and have a browse; potter round our niche shops, pubs and cafés. SturAction is the Community Benefit Society which runs a number of shops in town, the profits of which all gets funnelled back into supporting the town and its people.
If you haven’t visited yet, then start your visit with a wander round 1855, the new artisan’s market in the former NatWest Bank. There are over 40 local traders offering a range of wares – there’s a new treasure to find on every visit!
The Emporium and Art Gallery are exactly what it says on the tin. Inside there is a treasure trove of interesting pre-loved items at very reasonable prices, as it’s all donated goods.
The Dapper Chaps Gentleman’s Boutique is inside The Emporium – a sorely needed source of pre-loved men’s clothing in the town. And upstairs is the Art Gallery with its ever-changing eclectic display.
The Furniture Store is in the old Barclays Bank building at the other end of the town – and it’s filled with pre-loved furniture at knock down prices, ready to furnish en empty corner or to take on for an upcycling project (donations are always welcome).
On the opposite street to 1855, is The Boutique, which is filled with pre-loved good quality ladies and children’s clothes and accessories. Always a first port of call when you want a fun upgrade of your wardrobe.
Meet the traders
There is a special late night opening at 1855 on the last Friday of every month, when the shop will stay open until 8pm. There may be wine tasting, some of the artists, traders and makers will be present to talk to and it is rapidly building into a regular social evening in the town.
Dates for the diary:
Wedding Fair
4th February, 10am to 2pm
Sturminster Newton invites couples & families to a unique town event, where they can discover enticing offers for all occasions. Visit wedding and special occasions exhibitors in The Exchange – everything you need to make your event wonderful. Then follow the trail through Sturminster Newton and visit the wedding exhibitions in some of our independent shops on your way to St. Mary’s to view the wedding dress display.
The monthly car and bike enthusiasts event
4th February, 9am to 12pm
A great family friendly event with a huge variety of vehicles from vintage to modern supercars, and vintage to modern bikes. Occasionally we’re lucky to get classic buses or lorries too. This month’s event is in Station Road car park.
North Dorset Schools Career Day
9th March, 10am to 6pm
Calling all Dorset employers! Exhibit for free and showcase your key roles, apprenticeships, and career progression. Meet and engage with young people from five schools in years 8 to 11. The twilight session is open to other schools, year groups and parents. The event will be at The Exchange in Sturminster Newton, and you can register as an exhibitor here.