The autumn has seen the local policing teams concentrating on the issues which the public have said are their biggest concerns, says PC Tom Harness
With a busy summer now behind us and much to reflect on over the last few months, policing in North Dorset continues to work at driving down our three priorities, which were decided by our neighbourhood priority surveys:
- Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) and driving.
- Drug Dealing and County lines.
- Reducing rural crime and acquisitive crime, with particular focus on burglaries.
Back in July we saw an intensification week in Blandford. As well as effective and targeted use of stop search powers we also executed a warrant at an address which was publicised by local news and the BBC. This was as a result of Operation Viper – Dorset Police’s coordinated response to drug dealing and county line activity.
To reduce anti-social behaviour in Blandford, we have utilised Community Protection Notices (CPN’s) – these were formerly referred to as ASBO’s, a term many will be familiar with. We have identified key and persistent anti-social offenders, such as prolific drug users, shop lifters and those that have continually disrupted the peace and vibrancy of the town. In conjunction with the council ASB team, these individuals have been served with conditions designed to rehabilitate and reduce their offending.
Drop in clinic
On the last Tuesday of every month we have been joining up with Blandford Group Practice for a drop-in clinic at the Corn Exchange in Blandford. While there we aim to answer any questions the public may have and, importantly, offer an opportunity for people to fill out our neighbourhood priority surveys – these survey answers are key in deciding what the local policing teams focus on each quarter, so please do come and have a chat.
PC Mullins
Lastly we are saying goodbye to one of Dorset’s longest continually serving neighbourhood PC’s, Dave Mullins.
He has covered rural North Dorset and Blandford for nearly 18 years and has finally decided the time is right to retire.
We wish him all the best.