Just before half term, children at Wardour Primary enjoyed an action-packed week of sport.
It began with a team of power-chair football experts teaching the children a variation of the sport they all love. Using adapted electric chairs, they learned how to control a large football and had a go at playing a 5-a-side game. The coaches came from Nova Sport, which organise a variety of sports for people with physical disabilities to play on a regular basis.

As part of the school’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, there was a sponsored walk that involved dressing up in red, white and blue and walking around an obstacle-laden course as many times as possible, raising money for school resources. Later that afternoon, the whole school enjoyed a traditional tea party, wearing home-made crowns, eating sandwiches and cake.
This year’s guest speaker was Olympian Aerial skier Lloyd Wallace. He showed them how his training involved jumping onto a trampoline and into a swimming pool – with skis on! As well as sharing with them his passion and dedication for the sport, he also showed them a very damaged helmet from a not-so-successful landing on the slopes. Lloyd encouraged them to embrace and do their very best at whatever they loved doing, whether a sport or academic subject.
The week ended with Sports Day. Parents picnicked on the field, while the children prepared to run a variety of sprints and novelty races. The points were added up to declare this year’s winning house – Old Sarum.