Sixpenny Handley’s Jubilee song


The BV was delighted by an invitation from Sixpenny Handley First School to come and share in their Jubilee picnic in the school grounds.

The playground was beautifully decorated with handmade bunting and artwork depicting Her Majesty the Queen, all created by the children. Tables and chairs were ready for a feast, and parents were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the children.
At last, the children made their made their red-white-and-blue-dressed entrance, and after a short welcome and thank you speech by headteacher Mrs Musselwhite the children entertained everyone with a Jubilee song.

Children and parents then gathered around the tables to enjoy a community picnic.Sixpenny Handley First School is a thriving Victorian village school well attended by 107 children from the local community. Mrs Musselwhite proudly told me that this event was the jewel in the crown of their week’s activities: “After the last couple of years, it was so lovely to get everyone together and do something for the community that has supported us through so much.” She was also keen to point out that the day was a team effort by the whole staff, who had contributed or made everything that was on offer.
After the picnic, the celebrations continued for the children, with a brilliantly entertaining storytime on the field, with local author Chris Connaughton.


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