Easter bonnets at Pamphill


The whole of Pamphill First School decamped to the nearby church for its annual Easter

Rev Suzie Allen and headteacher Mike Wheeler at the back, with pupils and their bonnets

The school near Wimborne has around 70 pupils who made traditional bonnets to wear. Reverend Suzie Allen led the service in St Stephen’s Church at which the children sang hymns enthusiastically. Afterwards all the pupils took part in an Easter bonnet parade in front of their parents – with medals given out by headteacher Mike Wheeler.
He said: “Following all the Covid disruption it was great to have the whole school in church for the traditional Easter service.
“Afterwards the wonderful Parent Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA) sold tea, coffee and cakes to raise funds. It was a lovely service during which we were reminded of the true meaning of this Christian festival.”
Wimborne Academy Trust’s CEO Liz West said: “This looked like a great last day of term and the bonnets all look wonderful.”


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