Cyclamen, Wreath Making workshops, Gifts for loved ones, and of course, the trees… yes, it’s all on our minds.
Cohle said that ‘Time is a flat circle’ (it’s actually Nietzsche’s doctrine of eternal recurrence – that everything repeats itself and that what happened before is bound to happen again), and the festive season approaches
at speeds which feel like they’re faster than ever each year. Last month we talked about the joys that Autumn brings and it hardly feels like we’ve had much time to savour it!

A festive normality
It’s important to savour those good moments, and we also previously touched upon a sense of ‘normal’ really feeling like it had returned. The news on tv may imply some possibly difficult times ahead this winter, but our determination to press on safely, and with prosperity, has not waned. We know how important the festive season is to so many people, and how even a humble fir tree in the corner of the living room can bring a sense of togetherness and warmth at the coldest time of year.
To some, of course, the end of the year doesn’t mean a great deal – it’s just another month on the calendar, and it’s other times of the year where they celebrate their own traditions. The diversity in our culture is something which makes a community so valuable. We can all gain knowledge and perspective from each other that enriches our own personal lives. If you’re not getting festive soon, we still remain a community garden centre, and we welcome everyone through our gates with experts on hand to provide you inspiration for your seasonal gardening.

‘Bah Humbug’ is a phrase that even many of our staff may utter, but we promise you, it’s all in good spirits! There’s
an authenticity you’ll find at Thorngrove all year round.
We’ll of course be on hand for many of your festive essentials this November and December, so please consider adding Thorngrove on your shopping destination to find something special this Christmas. There will be plenty of treats in the café too, so bring a friend, and savour that moment.
Let’s enjoy the togetherness we have right now, because as far as we’re concerned, it’s never felt more appreciated. Ho Ho Ho!