Chickens are quite easy to keep and make good first time pets.They need to be let out of their house in the morning and shut in in the evening. They need constant access to fresh water and will need feeding with a specific complete chicken food.

They can also have treats such as vegetables but must not be fed kitchen scraps. You will need to completely clean out your chicken house at least once a week.
Chickens spend most of their day scratching around looking for things to eat, so be prepared for the area where they are kept to get muddy in wet weather.
What do I need to keep chickens at home?
• A secure hen house with a nest box and perches.
• A secure garden or run.
Can you give Glenda her Forever Home?
Hello, my name is Glenda and I am between 1-2 years old. If you are interested in providing me with my Forever Home and can provide all the things I need listed above, please call 01929 480474 and have a chat with the humans caring for me. I have 19 other ex-caged friends also looking for a fresh start.
You can find me and my friends in Dorset. Please use the contact details below to find out more:
Tel: 01929 480474