Random Thoughts | Simon Hoare MP


As I sit here, for the first time, I’m tempted to say ever, I’m faced with writers’ block.

We are all fed up to the gills with Covid in as much as it has become part of our daily lives and, because of the strange times in which we are living, there is no one major political theme or story dominating.

So, this month I thought I would provide just some pithy, perhaps comment-inducing observations as a series of bullet points. But first, let me just remind you that if you are North Dorset constituent in need of help or advice I am available via email – simon.hoare.mp@parliament.uk or 01258 452585.
We are continuing to run virtual Advice Surgery with a choice of telephone or Zoom/Teams. Please just shout if you need anything.

So here are the unconnected random snippets:

• We must direct a lot of our energy and Overseas Aid resourcing to help countries who need it to vaccinate their people as India is painfully demonstrating. There is no point, and certainly no benefit to the UK, to have huge numbers of our fellow man, and their countries, on perpetual Red Lists with some
sort of Pariah Status. The World Health Organisation must take a lead in co-ordinating this and provide, when the breathing space to do so is created, to produce better international plans for dealing with future Pandemics. Covid caught the world off its guard. It cannot happen again;

• Another big ‘shout out’ to our educators and school support staff. My three daughters are just so happy to be back in a classroom and with their friends. The vigorous safeguarding and protections I have seen in place has meant that a return to school for all has not meant a rise in infection rates;

• A cheer of encouragement to our high streets, who with ingenuity, pluck and doggedness have ridden the lockdown wave and are now open. This week, I was jolted by the surprise as to how much I had missed mooching around a book shop. Let us remind ourselves that our shops are open and use them;

• The proposals of Dorset Council for the future of St Mary’s Shaftesbury has my full and active support. Access to specialised packages of education and support for children with disabilities has been a common issue in my postbag. The Council provided great foresight in purchasing the site (even when the local government purse is under pressure). It was the right thing to do and will provide first class opportunities for those across the County who need it. It also has the promise of being a national beacon of excellence and innovator of best practice. I cannot overemphasise how overjoyed we should all be by what is being considered;

• My daughters and I have been helping out friends over recent weeks with their lambing. There are highs and lows and the persistent frosts haven’t helped. As new life thrives and occasionally dies (the ravages of fox and crow should really be seen by all) it is always a timely reminder as to the challenges of livestock farming and how much we owe our farming community;

• Perhaps it’s because I’m Welsh but football has never really been my thing. If someone could explain to me in simple terms the recent ESL football saga I’d be obliged (email address below).

To follow my latest news in the constituency and Parliament you can follow me on Twitter @Simon4NDorset; Facebook is Fb.com/simonhoarenorthdorset; or my website is at simonhoare.org.uk.

Or you can email me direct on simon.hoare.mp@parliament.uk


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