As part of Dorset Libraries’ celebrations for Local and Community History Month, you are invited to join journalists Fanny Charles and Gay Pirrie-Weir in a live online event.

Fanny and Gay will be talking about Deepest Dorset, the book that delves into the local history, landscape and places that
inspire – and which has raised over £60,000 for local charities to date. The success of the book led to Deepest Wiltshire,
published in 2019, with a further book, Deepest Somerset currently planned.
Find out about their mission to create a book that showcased Dorset from a different and varied perspective and hear about the latest research
for their new book Deepest Somerset and the impact that the pandemic has had on research and interviews, and on sales of published books.
Wed, 12 May, 4-5pm.
Book your FREE place now!