Marketing West, the West Dorset events and marketing company, has announced a major initiative to help get business moving again.

It is holding the first of a series of business bounceback seminars starting on Friday, May 7.

The seminar will be free to view through live streaming to reach the maximum audience.
It has lined up high-profile speakers, each briefed to help businesses expand after the recent lockdown.
They include:
- TV business news journalist, Declan Curry
- Tej Parikh, Chief Economist at the Institute of Directors
- Chris Loder, West Dorset MP
- Nick Gregory of the Dorset Growth Hub
- Susannah Brade-Waring, business adviser and coach
- Sarah Ali Choudhury, entrepreneur and Small Business Britain champion
Anyone wishing to receive the login details for the seminar can register here.

Nigel Reeve, of Marketing West, said: “The idea of the bounceback seminar is to help and focus on getting business moving again.
“The first bounceback online seminar will have advice for businesses, designed to motivate and help.”
By: Andrew Diprose Dorset Biz News